Monday, December 1, 2008

3 Golden Ways to Get Your Ex Back

If a long-term relationship has just ended and you're not the one who broke it off, of course you can be in a lot of emotional pain. Sometimes, of course, the relationship ends and it's a good thing.

However, if this isn't a relationship you wanted to end, there may be some hope for you yet. Here are 3 things you can do to help you convince your ex to come back and give it another try.

• Say, "I'm sorry."

It sounds simplistic, but oftentimes, if you're acting like a jerk and your ex thinks you're not aware that you're doing so, this can be a relationship breaker. Simply acknowledging that you have been, saying you're sorry, and that things can change may help put things back on track.

• Be honest.

Okay, it sounds good to woo your ex back with sweet nothings, candy, flowers, tickets to a football game, or whatever. However, these things can really make you look like you're trying too hard. Instead, be honest and try to sit down and say what you mean. Just asking for a chance to explain yourself (again, without trying to deceive and manipulate) may help you put the relationship back on track.

• Don't blame.

In most cases, relationships don't just break up because of one person, but even so, if your ex has given you the boot, don't start your "reconciliation" talk by pointing fingers and blaming. That's not going to help anything. Later on, maybe you two can talk about who did what wrong and what needs to change, but for right now, there's no blaming your ex. Basically, you take the fall for now, in hopes that things will change and you can go back for another chance.

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