Friday, December 19, 2008

Getting an Ex Back - 3 Things That Will Kill Any Chance You May of Had

Breakups are tough on everyone. Do not think that because you are the one who was broken up with that your ex is not going through some emotional stress. With so much weight being put on what you should do when you working on getting an ex back, do not forget that there are things you should NOT do. Before you can be successful at getting an ex back you have to be successful at no pushing them away. These three things will kill any chances you may of had to get your ex back so.

Do not stalk them! Now I don't mean literally stalk them but do not constantly call them just because you have thought of something else to say. Do not text them! Can you imagine how annoying that will be if there phone is going off every five minutes with a new text message from you. Do not purposely show up at places you know they are going to be at. If you are constantly bothering your ex the hope of you getting back with them will go down the toilet.

Do not bad mouth them! Never forget your ex has friends and feelings to. If you are bad mouthing them because you think it is going to have an affect, it is. The effect you are going to get is your chance of getting back with your ex disappearing. You never know who is around when your talking to one of your friends in a bar or public place. People hear things and those things get repeated but with a twist. Hell maybe your friend likes your ex and they might go running back and telling them what you said. Don't tell yourself that won't happen because it happens all the time.

Do not act like the world has ended. The worst thing you can do is allow yourself to go into a deep state of depression. Being upset is natural and you should allow your self to be upset, but moping around like your life is over is not going to help. Do not under any circumstances go to your ex and beg them to come back. Do not try to convince them that you are the love of their life and that they will never find some one who can offer them what you do. No body likes needy and desperate people and your ex won't either.

Now that you know what not to do, if you really want to get your ex back then I strongly suggest following these proven methods. I would not wait to long to start getting your ex back, you want to get them back before they move on.

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